School Nurse
My work with students, their family, and staff is directed by the philosophy that healthy students learn better. I organize my work under three main activities:
I Save Lives
I collaborate with families to ensure the safety of all students including those with health conditions that could be life threatening in the school setting.
I Fight Infection
My work in ensuring that all students are compliant with Minnesota immunization law supports health by preventing disease. I am also vigilant and proactive in communicating important health information to the families of Crossroads.
I Boost Student Achievement
My work in screening the vision and hearing of students ensures that their learning in the enriched environment of the classroom is not impaired by sensory concerns. If impairments are suspected or confirmed, I intervene to ensure the best possible outcome.
I work with families to provide treatments and medications to students with health conditions to ensure the best possible attendance at school and a minimum of time is missed from the classroom because of health concerns.
Thank you!
The district and the state of Minnesota expects students to come to school unless they are ill. The SPPS Student Health and Wellness page has a description of what is considered being too ill to come to school. Follow this link to read the page. If you have questions, please call me at the school. Thank you!