Thuente, Patrick
Phone: School- (651) 767-8540 ext. 47671.
Concordia University, Saint Paul, MN Educational Specialist & Principal Licensure, May 2023
Concordia University, Saint Paul, MN Masters in Educational Technology, July 2016
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, 2004
Mr. Patrick Thuente
My education background includes a bachelor's degree in elementary education with a focus on Social Studies from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, a master's in Educational Technology from Concordia University Saint Paul, and an Education Specialist degree also from Concordia. I have been at Crossroads since the fall of 2013. I am a life long resident of Saint Paul and currently live here with my wife and three children.
Educational technology has been a passion of mine since first having my own classroom. It started early with PowerPoint presentations and a projector and quickly led to students using individual devices to create and share on. I believe that technology plays a role in our student's lives, but it should be for a specific purpose related to the curriculum and lesson. Building future computer science majors, biomedical engineers, and robot developers for all of our students is a goal of mine as we implement our STEM focus here at Crossroads.
My role at Crossroads includes technology coordinator and technology integration. I work with staff on training them to be better prepared to use technology successfully with their students. I work with teachers by leading technology lessons by pushing in to the classrooms and working with students. I work closely with our STEM team to develop and implement our plan of integrating technology into the science, engineering, and math crosscurricular units we develop. I am also the webmaster for the school website.