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Montessori Classrooms

Montessori Multi-Grade Classrooms

There are many advantages of the Montessori multi-age approach.

  • Students stay with the same teacher for two or three years providing uninterrupted learning and strong relationships.
  • Classroom communities have a cooperative, family-like atmosphere where each student is respected and supported.
  • Younger children learn from older children and quickly absorb the academic and social expectations
  • Older children have the opportunity to practice leadership and to teach the younger children, thereby reinforcing what they have learned and allowing them to make meaningful connections to their current work.
  • Multi-grade classrooms provide more opportunities for small-group or individualized work relative to ability and interest.

Our Montessori classroom teachers hold both a state teaching license and Montessori certification. They are experts in teaching and managing multi-age classrooms and in meeting the individual needs of each student.

You can learn more about our educational program by visiting the sections for each level under classroom pages.

Our school is organized into three levels of multi-grade classrooms:

Children's House - all day pre-K and all day Kindergarten

Elementary 1 - first, second and third grades

Elementary 2 - fourth and fifth grades.

Montessori Classroom Teachers

Madeline Bodnar

Tchr-Montessori-E1-Yr Rnd

Amanda Dachel

Tchr-Montessori-CH-Yr Rnd

Amanda Fraley

Tchr-Montessori-E2-Yr Rnd

Anna Gustafson

Tchr-Montessori-E2-Yr Rnd

Cassandra Heeringa

Tchr-Montessori-CH-Yr Rnd

Grace Herndon

Tchr - Grade 1-3 - Yr Round

Adrienne Horton

Tchr-Montessori-E1-Yr Rnd

Coe Kropuenske

Tchr - WINN Literacy-Yr Round

Anni Wente

Tchr-Montessori-E1-Yr Rnd